Young adults

Meeting informally, experiencing activities, dealing with and discussing exciting topics, living in community and deepening friendships takes place in these meetings for people aged 25+.

Young adults

Young adults from the Bethel Church regularly undertake activities together – for fun and sharing with each other. Whether you’re single, a couple, or a parent, we welcome everyone between 25 and 35. We try to design our program to have something for everyone.

Since our meetings take place irregularly, we inform via WhatsApp chat. If you are interested, please contact Raphael Herren., 056 430 15 15

Allianz-Gebetswoche und Gottesdienst

Am 17.01. findet kein In His Presence statt. Dafür verschiedene Gebetstreffen an unterschiedlichen Orten.

Am Sonntag, 21.01., wird es keinen Gottesdienst im GZB geben.ghfgh

Wir feiern einen Allianz-Gottesdienst um 16.00h in der Kirche St. Anton in Wettingen.