You are not a coincidence. God had a lot in mind when He created you, gifted you, and placed you in your environment. We want to help you discover this plan God has for your life.

Development path

God has a great plan for your life. At GROW Development Path, you have the opportunity to discover this plan, get to know us as a church, and find your spiritual home here.

The GROW development path starts anew every month and entry is possible at any time. Registration is not necessary. Each step takes about an hour. Coffee and snacks will be provided as well as childcare. This event will be held in German.

Follow Jesus

Step 1

God wants you to know Him personally. It’s more than religious exercises, God wants a relationship with you. In Step 1, you will learn practical ways to know God better, how to follow Jesus and about water baptism.

Always on the 1st Sunday of the month, after the service at 11:40 in the ground floor meeting room.


Step 2

You can know God and still carry personal burdens from the past. Step two is about overcoming your yesterday and receiving God’s power for today. We help you to relate to people who can encourage you in faith. We help to connect you with a small group and with the church as a whole.

Always on the 2nd Sunday of the month, after the service at 11:40 in the ground floor meeting room.


Step 3

You are an important part of God’s plan, and your life will never make sense until you discover your purpose. In step three, you will complete a personality and gift profile. You can find out more about how God created you and how He has gifted you to make a difference in this world.

Always on the 3rd Sunday of the month, after the service at 11:40 in the ground floor meeting room.


Step 4

God’s plan for your life here is to make a difference. By exercising your God-given gifts, you will have a positive impact on the lives of others. The Bible says that this is how your joy will be made complete. In Step 4, you can join a dream team made up of people like you who want to live their lives according to their purpose and serve others with their gifts.

Always on the 4th Sunday of the month, after the service at 11:40 in the ground floor meeting room.

Allianz-Gebetswoche und Gottesdienst

Am 17.01. findet kein In His Presence statt. Dafür verschiedene Gebetstreffen an unterschiedlichen Orten.

Am Sonntag, 21.01., wird es keinen Gottesdienst im GZB geben.ghfgh

Wir feiern einen Allianz-Gottesdienst um 16.00h in der Kirche St. Anton in Wettingen.